The state’s Green Community division recognized Stow as a Green Community and awarded the town a grant of $144,115. This achievement is the result of a collaborative effort by the Stow Energy Working Group, town boards and departments, and the support of our Town Administrator, Selectmen, and residents.
The grant has been used for municipal energy conservation projects which will save the town an estimated $44,000 annually and demonstrate the town’s commitment to clean energy solutions.
To be designated a Green Community, the town had to demonstrate it met the five Green Community criteria. This included the development of an Energy Reduction Plan for town buildings and vehicles, and a vote at town meeting to adopt the “Stretch Energy Code”. Also, because of how the program is structured, most Green Communities are in areas served by large investor owned utilities, such as National Grid. Stow is one of the few communities served by a municipal light plant, Hudson Light & Power, to achieve the Green Communities designation.